CTC Sponsor - Northern Lights Terrain from Winnipeg Manitoba

Posted by Joseph Miedema on

The Canadian Tabletop Championship (CTC) is proudly sponsored and supported by Northern Lights Terrain (NLT), a Canadian owned business supporting tabletop gamers with quality tabletop gaming terrain and accessories for the last five years. Their team of hardworking and dedicated tabletop gamers have many years of experience in all aspects of our gaming community.

Since June 2018 NLT has been working closely with Extreme Tabletop Gaming (ETTG) to achieve the ambitious goal of the #100tablechallenge to deliver on the scope and scale of the CTC gaming convention. At our gaming convention NLT will account for over 10% of all terrain that has been cut, assembled, painted and used!

We are very thankful for the amazing sponsorship that NLT has offered the CTC through ETTG, and we highly encourage any tabletop gamer to check out there website and Face Book page to review their amazing line of products! They have been an amazing business to work with.

Northern Lights Terrain is based out of Winnipeg Manitoba and their website is here and their Face Book site is here.

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