CTC Sponsor - Brushfire Studios
Posted by Joseph Miedema on
The Canadian Tabletop Championship gaming convention is very thankful for the exceptional relationship we have developed with Brushfire Studios out of Ottawa Ontario. Over the last five years Brushfire Studios has been the go to for all hobby projects for Extreme Tabletop Gaming (ETTG) as well as for our CTC gaming convetion!
This year was no exception, the Brushfire Studios Team took on the #100tablechallenge for our gaming convention this 3-5 May 2019. Brushfire Studios will have dedicated hundreds of hours to paint over 50% of all terrain that you will see at the CTC this year and we could not be happier with their commitment, dedication, and talents to partner with us!
Stop by the Brushfire Studios corner at the CTC this year for all your hobby and painting interests! There will also be a sampling of some of the amazing work that their Team has worked on for your viewing pleasure.
Brushfire Studios is based out of Ottawa Ontario and their Facebook site is HERE and their Instagram is HERE.