CTC Rules and Policies

 The Canadian Tabletop Championship Gaming Convention Rules and Policies

Valid as of 1 January 2025

The Canadian Tabletop Championship (CTC) is a cornerstone national gaming convention for any tabletop enthusiast! A great selection of events will be available for families, casual, and professional gamers all under one roof! Set forth below is an important statement of our gaming conventions rules and policies which will govern the actions of all attendees and staff.

Our Golden Principle is be a good person, be kind to others, and participate with the intent to have a good time.

  1. Mission. The CTC gaming convention strives to create a safe and organized gaming environment for all participants to have fun and enjoy a wide range of tabletop games and activities.
  1. People. Our participants will be from a wide range of tabletop gamers ranging from families, casual, to professionals! We currently have gamers traveling in from all across North America signed up to participate! To ensure a safe environment for miniature gamers of all ages we require that parents and guardians are responsible at all times for their Youth and Children who attend the CTC.
    • CTC Staff are easy to identify with bright RED t-shirts with our logo on the back. Please speak to a CTC staff member if you have an issue.
    • Adults are those persons aged 18 or older and are fully responsible and liable for their actions and behavior.
    • Youth are persons aged 15-17 who are welcome to attend the CTC gaming convention but must have a signed Parental Consent Form available at registration to participate in any CTC event or activity
    • Children are persons aged 0-14 years old who are welcome to attend and participate in CTC gaming convention events and activities. All Children MUST be accompanied and directly supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. The CTC will contact the police if a child is found unattended during the gaming convention.
  1. Safety. The personal safety of all attendees at the CTC gaming convention is of paramount importance and takes precedence over any other situation. General safety of life and limb must be preserved and so we ask if you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. The CTC gaming convention complies with the rules and regulations associated with occupational health and safety and has built-in measures to enhance public safety during the convention. 

There are a few specific points to keep in mind regarding emergency services:

    • Police. Will always be notified if there is a physical dispute between persons resulting in violence, destruction of property, or as the situation requires.
    • Medical. Multiple event staff are qualified on First Aid and there will be a First Aid station onsite at the Registration/Info table in the Lounge. Always call 911 for urgent care
    • Fire Escapes. The Rideau Curling Club has multiple exits from the lounge and main gaming floor that are marked. In case of fire it must be loudly announced as “ FIRE FIRE FIRE” so that measures can be taken to control the incident and or evacuate the venue.
    • Meetup Point. The emergency Meetup Point will be the Parking Lot to the EAST of the venue building. Further direction to move or disperse will be given by a member of the CTC Executive.
    • Emergency Coordination. All Event and Tournament Organizers will take charge in the coordination of their event participants. A roll call by event will be done and passed on to the CTC Executive to coordinate with Emergency Services if an evacuation takes place.
  1. Conduct. Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated under any circumstance at the CTC gaming convention. This includes the excessive use of foul language, physical or verbal aggression or intimidation, lewd conduct, harassing behavior such as humiliating, demeaning, slandering, stalking, and discrimination. All cases of inappropriate conduct should be reported to CTC Staff for action.
  2. Alcohol. The Rideau Curling Club is a licensed establishment who will be serving a large variety of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. The RCC will be providing the Smart Serve qualified Staff to operate their bar and kitchen. The legal drinking age in Ontario is 19 years old and photo identification will be required to purchase alcoholic beverages. No outside alcohol will be permitted on the RCC property and premise.
  3. Sales. All sales associated with the purchase of tickets for any event or activity related to the CTC gaming convention are final and non-refundable as of Thursday May 1st 2025 at 2359 EST. All ticket sales are partially refundable with a 20% administration fee between purchase date and May 2nd 2025.
  4. Transfer. Event tickets are easily transferred to another player at any point for FREE by emailing a request to info@CTCGC.org


General Rules

  1. Observing Games. As some of the larger tournaments enter the final rounds, it is often tempting to seek out and watch the ‘top tables’. Simply observing a game in progress is fine, but observers are not to interject their own commentary, rules interpretations or tactical advice to either player involved in the game.
  1. Filming Games/Photographing Models. General filming and photography during the convention is not only permitted, it is encouraged! In most cases, players will be extremely flattered to have their armies/models photographed. In all cases, please be respectful of the owning player and his/her models. Always ask permission before photographing or touching anything and do not be disruptive during games in progress.
  1. Care of Resources. all CTC organizers and volunteers have invested a huge amount of time and energy in order to provide you with quality gaming terrain. Please treat the terrain with the utmost care throughout the weekend. If accidental damage does occur to a piece of terrain, please notify an event judge so the piece can be flagged for repair.
  1. Trash. Please pick up after yourself and keep our event clean. Leaving trash anywhere other than a garbage bin makes for an unpleasant environment for everyone. If a Event Staff find an attendee who has purposely left garbage for others to dispose of they will be given a Yellow Card foul.


Player Etiquette and In-Game Policies

The CTC Mission is that all players can participate in an enjoyable, organized, and safe event. Interpersonal actions that lessen this enjoyment are not within the spirit of the game and do not meet our Mission. Any actions that are unsportsmanlike are not within the spirit of the game and will be appropriately resolved by event staff. 

  1. Good sportsmanship. Is an absolute requirement for all events at the CTC and ensures that all participants have a positive experience. While certain events have scoring systems in place to deal with this aspect of the hobby, good sportsmanship is simply expected from all attendees of the CTC. A demonstration of poor sportsmanship is a yellow card offense and a second instance will be a red card expulsion from the CTC.
  1. Behavior. A player may never use mocking, abusive, vulgar, or derogatory language toward another player or staff at an event. Any player who uses such language has committed a Yellow Card foul which can be escalated to Red Card and removal after one warning.
  1. Actions. A player may never physically threaten, or use physical violence towards, another player or staff at an event. Any player who threatens or performs physical violence has committed a Red Card foul and will be removed from the event with further administrative actions to be taken.
  1. Property. A player may never purposefully destroy property, theirs or otherwise, at an event. Any player who purposely destroys property has committed a Red Card foul.
  1. Deception. A player may never purposefully deceive another player, whether by malicious misinformation, incomplete information, or vaguely stated information. A player who purposefully deceives or attempts to deceive another player will have committed a foul.  Any pattern of “accidental” deception/misinformation can be considered a foul based on the judge’s discretion.
  1. Timeliness. A player who is 15 minutes or more tardy to the beginning of a round is considered to be severely tardy. A player who is severely tardy to a round has committed a Yellow Card foul.
  1. Assistance. A player may never give, nor accept, help in a game in which they are not an active participant. If they do so, they have committed a Yellow Card foul.
  1. Rules Disputes. Rules disputes are bound to occur at an event this large and varied in attendance. Players should attempt to resolve all rules disputes between themselves at the table (using the appropriate source documents). If this fails, contact a Floor Judge who will attempt to resolve the dispute using the appropriate game system documents.
  1. Slow Play. Consistent slow play evidenced through chess clocks, player reporting, or judges discretion, represents a severe break in decorum. A player found to be doing so has committed a Yellow Card foul.
  1. Dice. The CTC does not require the use of any specific type of dice, however your dice must be made available to your opponent to use if they so desire. Set dice may be required based on certain game systems. If you are using dice with a custom facings you must declare it to your opponent for their approval, which they can request that you switch to standard dice. Judges have the right to remove any dice showing excessive wear, obvious tampering or other questionable deformities. Use of illegal dice will result in a Red Card foul and removal from the gaming convention.
  1. Authority. All players will accept that a judge has final authority over all rulings. A player has the right to respectfully communicate and defend his/her position, but a judge’s ruling is binding. Any player purposefully disregarding a judge’s ruling or debating with the judge in a verbally abusive or disrespectful manner has committed a red card foul.
  1. Additional Rules. Each specific event may incorporate further rules and regulations related to the specific game system and annotated in the Players Pack.