CTC: Gamer Garage Sale

CTC: Gamer Garage Sale

  • $0.00

Welcome to the Canadian Tabletop Championship Gamer Garage Sale Info Page!  

All Event Players at the CTC can participate in a massive Gamer Garage Sale (GGS) as part of their event registration! The CTC Staff will be available on all day Saturday for the collection and processing of your wargaming related miniatures, terrain, accessories, boardgames etc. 

The intent of this bring and buy is to allow our awesome tabletop gaming community to get together and have fun buying and selling their used treasures in an organized fashion. The GGS tables will be located at the front of the main gaming hall.

Key information regarding the CTC Gamers Garage Sale:

  • GGS Seller Registration will be done exclusively through this Google Form HERE.
  • You must be a registered player in a CTC event in order to participate.
  • Drop Off and Registration will be Saturday 25 May between 0900-1900h.
  • Sale will open on Sunday 26 May between 1000-1700h
  • A 10% commission fee is removed off of all sales proceeds
  • A minimum of $1 commission fee per transaction from each sale.
  • No item or bundle of items worth less than a $5 per unit will be accepted.
  • A Seller can cash out once at anytime during the sale on Sunday
  • The sale ends on Sunday at 1700h sharp and all Sellers must report to the GGS Team to collect their transaction proceeds and any remaining items.
  • Any items that are not collected or coordinated with the GGS Team for collection may be forfeited to the CTC after Sunday 26 May
  • The CTC GGS Team reserve the right to refuse any sellers items at their sole discretion
  • The CTC and the GGS Team do not assume any responsibility for your personal belongings and sales items while they are on consignment at the CTC. Although we have staff on site, the venue is monitored with cameras, and all doors are locked we cannot ensure a completely secure environment.

CTC Bring and Buy Labelling Instructions:

  • Each seller will label their items with one sticker. 
  • Each label must have the Sellers initials, Item #, and Price.
  • GGS Registration to sell items will be done exclusively through this Google Form HERE.

We look forward to see you with your family and friends at Canada's Tabletop Convention this May 2024