*CTC: Flames of War Championship Open. Saturday

Welcome to the Canadian Tabletop Championship ticket sales page.
Through this web commerce portal you will be able to purchase your Flames of War Championship Open pass for the CTC gaming convention hosted in Ottawa Ontario between 23-25 May 2025 at the Rideau Curling Club!
This is your one day Flames of War Championship Open pass for Saturday 24 May 2025. This includes a 3 day General Admission ticket (valued at $15) in addition to your event for full floor access to the gaming convention!
If you would prefer to register using the Best Coast Pairings (BCP) app please use this LINK to go directly to the BCP Event Page.
Join us on Discord to get the most up to date information for this event and talk with your TO and players directly! DISCORD
Key rules and information regarding your CTC Flames of War Championship Open Tournament Pass:
Tournament Organizer: Darko Prodanovic
This is a 16 player singles event that can expand to 24.
This is a Late War 100 point event.
Armies must comply with the latest rules clarifications present in the Lessons from the Front pack available on the Flames of War website.
Event will be 3 rounds, 2.5 hours per round.
Missions will be selected based on the Extended Battle Plans matrix available from the Flames of War website
Where newer missions are available in that pack, we will use the most recent additions.
All armies must be painted 3 colour minimum, unpainted models will be removed from play.
Proxies in general are discouraged and decisions on their eligibility will be decided by the TO. As a rule of thumb, if it's confusing it will not be allowed. If you are in doubt send a picture and description to the TO ahead of time.
Event pass includes General Admission ticket for full floor access including vendors and sponsors.
All questions regarding this event please email your TO at fowcannat@gmail.com
Transferring tickets is free and easy, just email info@ctcgc.org
All event ticket sales are subject to our CTC Rules and Policies as outlined HERE
Schedule of Events:
8:30 - Event Check in, Setup, Briefing
9:00 - 11:30 am - Round 1
11:30 – 12:30 pm Lunch Break
12:30 – 15:00 pm Round 2
15:15 – 17:45 pm - Round 3
18:00 pm - Awards
You will be manually rostered in the Best Coast Pairings (BCP) app by your Tournament Organizer.
We look forward to see you with your friends at Canada's Tabletop Convention this May 2025!